Voluntary Certification

Voluntary Certification of products is carried out in the sphere unregulated by law, when the products are not subject to the mandatory European directives.

STANA performs works on the voluntary certification of products. In accordance with the application for certification, STANA performs works on the confirmation of compliance of products with the applicable requirements. In case of positive results of work, the registration shall be carried out, and the Voluntary Certificate of conformity with the European standards shall be given.


Voluntary Certification includes the following principal stages:


  •     filing of an application     and submission of accompanying documents for products to the     Certification Authority;
  •     analysis of submitted     documents and arrival at a decision on the application by the     Voluntary Certification Authority to decide the issue of the     possibility and scheme of the voluntary certification;
  •     production study or     assessment of the Quality Management System;
  •     test of product samples;
  •     analysis of the results     obtained;
  •     product registration and     certification;
  •     technical supervision over     certified products.


Why is the Voluntary Certification valuable to you?

  • Compliance of products with the applicable requirements for both manufacturer and supplier of products;
  • Product appeal for the customers;
  • Competitiveness of products;
  • Advantages for participation in tenders.

Voluntary Certification of products is not only the powerful element of effective sales of products on the European Union market, but also the powerful tool for improving competitiveness of products and for satisfaction of customers all over the world.

Products includes (but not limited to)

  •    Tableware
  •    Clothing
  •    Shoes
  •    Furniture
  •    Consumer goods
  •    Sports equipment
  •    Fertilizers
  •    Biofuels
  •    Non-electric appliances
  •    Hand tools
  •    Ornamentation